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Sunday, August 15, 2010

About I need an address of donation toys for my children in Henderson Nevada

I need an address of donation toys for my children in Henderson Nevada?
We already went to Salvation Army ,Southern Help Nevada and they told us it was to late.I am a single mom of three wonderful kids, I'm not in welfare and I dot have childsupor. I work to pay my bills and rent.
Community Service - 1 Answers
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1 :
I don't live in your area, but I would suggest calling local churches. Find a phone book and call some of the churches listed, tell them that you are working hard to take care of your family and you just don't have anything left over for Christmas presents for your children. You may be able to find a church that will help you out. I will pray for you!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

About Will a hotel hire a felon to work as a chef

Will a hotel hire a felon to work as a chef ?
I really just wanted to know if someone can work in a 5 star restaurant or hotel, like that guy Chef Jeff Henderson ? I was the Head chef for major hotel in Las Vegas and he has a felony, is it normal for corporations and large restaurants to hire felons to work in the kitchen?
Food Service - 2 Answers
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1 :
Its possible I suppose. Never been in that position. I would ask for an interview, and explain the problem.
2 :
Yes. Your question is not IF large corporations hire often or generally convicted criminals but rather do the companies employ felons, so yes. You can be a felon for many many many reasons. You get a sentence and the record stays. So I ask you; who makes your fries at the local drive thru? who washes your car? who changes the tires? who sweeps the roads and cleans trash at local parks? who works at a gas station? who is a professor at a college? who has been your stock broker? Hello! Bernie madoff was making millions and his crimes were daily events. President Clinton? You better beleive that adultery is a felony in federal court! What about if someone has taken roofies/pills/acid/weed/coke? they get felonies. So many famous bands are full of felony charged criminals! Seems a job requirement! What about housekeeping? what about fronst desk? what about management? these jobs are important and have felons working in them too! The point is that felons are humans, and humans are falliable. Many companies can hire a felon and often the person doing the job is a pretty safe bet! Hate to be the one to break it (o.k. I don't care one bit but the sarcasm laced sentence is nice) to ya but the world is full of criminals, want them to be branded with thier crime on thier forehead like some soceities have done in the past? write a senator your detailed expectation and vote for people who will support your ideals. Plainly put some felons are very dangerous but many are just people who made very careless self destructive chioces and they got caught, then they didn't afford a lawyer who could get it erased through a good game of verbal and paperwork chess and paid for it with a record for life. Felons are a safe bet for jobs from the stand point that you can always hang the problems of possible failure on thier past, you can pay them a little less if the competition is looking for high wages (fine print generally allows a company, especially a large one to hire a less qualified employee, i.e. one who is a "risk" for a "competitive wage" wherein if the employee takes the offer of a much lower salary then many in that market make, it is a binding contract on both sides and entirely legal and fair free market capitalism.) and you can end up with a very loyal and effective example of humantarian grace. A lot of big companies like hiring felons, makes them look progressive and open minded, gives them more money and less daily cost ratio and generally they never have to tell the customer about the employees past as it is confidential and is illgal to disclose most of those details due to labor laws and hiring laws. How's that bee in your bonnet? Especially since that employee could have been former armed services, or have great training and a personal drive that far outweighs someone just looking for the daily paycheck. Companies know that the risk of a felony is calculated but at least they know the values, with someone who has no record they are shooting a dice cup, with a recorded criminal they have a good knowledge of the nature of the person general weaknesses and know that the person looking for a job has learned to master those problems. From a business stand point it's pretty win win. Especially for hard to fill positions that require intangible skill. My question is not if they hire, but do they hire felons who have skills in poison distribution and is it in the ordinary transport or is it in the creation of the substance because both are a general type of charge I'm betting and they might not show the exact nature of the act. I preferance a convict who has nothing to do with poisons making my cornbread and steaks.

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