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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

About Where can i get my playstation 3 fixed in henderson nevada

Where can i get my playstation 3 fixed in henderson nevada?
the audio and video just stopped one day, i got new cables and that didnt work so i think it might have bee something with the fan inside it... help?
PlayStation - 4 Answers
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1 :
You have a one year warranty from sony when you buy your PS3, just call up sony customer care and they'll replace it or fix it for free.
2 :
call sony tech support
3 :
you got a year warranty so call sony and get it replace why spend money on something that you don't have to spend give it to me i'll call sony and i'll charge you about 100 bucks for calling and sending your ps3 to sony tech:D

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Monday, September 13, 2010

About How can I get this to work, could use some tips

How can I get this to work, could use some tips?
I have asked this a few months ago but I could some tips from people who may have done it before. How I attract birds into building a nest where I live? Our Town-house has a balcony that seems pretty safe(well it looks safe to me) but what I wanted to know how do I get birds to build a nest here? I don't have a birdhouse or bird feeder, most of the birds that live around here are Grackles, Pigeons and a few Sparrows. I live in Henderson, NV(in short I live in Las Vegas). But how do I attract birds into build a nest here without a birdhouse? No jokes or wise cracks please, but I would like some advice from someone who has done this before.
Birds - 4 Answers
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1 :
Check out www.animalplanet.com. They have a program on I believe Saturday or Sunday morning about how to attract animals to your garden. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of it but you'll recognize it when you see it on the website because it says something about the back yard or gardens....something of that nature (oh, no nature pun intended). Good luck.
2 :
First you should make sure that the balconey is not too visited by humans .. in other words it is neglected second I think is to buy bird food and put the food where you want the birds to nest .. and keep putting food on regular basis .. and try to make the place secure .. and then when it is time to nest (different birds nest on different times) try to put some stuff for the birds to use for their nests .. and try to put it in the place you want the birds to nest .. maybe even try to create a nest or so .. anyway the bird will do it all over again but still you would have tried to help hope this will work
3 :
Hi all , Im here to introduce a new pet forum , paws'n'pets. With pet staff and a forum for every possible pet it is a great site for pet enthusiasts to relax and chat about there dogs , reptiles , horses , cats , goats , and much much more! The forums contain helpful advice ,jokes and laughs aswell as general chat and stories. The forums are free to join and each member is welcomed with opened arms by all. the website adress is : http://www.pawsnpets.co.nr I hope to hear from you soon .
4 :
that would be cool if i could help you but i can't sry

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