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Saturday, October 13, 2012

About Should I move to Henderson, NV

Should I move to Henderson, NV??
I haved lived in Michigan nearly my whole life. It's boring as hell and the economy sucks!! My husband and I are interested in moving to Henderson in the next couple of years. We have two children ages 5 and 12 - are the schools good? I"m also really scared of spiders - are there a lot of them in this area?? I'm pretty sure there are no mosquitos out there right? Also, how easily can work be found in Respiratory Therapy?? I hope to visit Henderson soon to find out all these things for myself, but until then can anyone answer my questions??
Renting & Real Estate - 1 Answers
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1 :
Las Vegas. Are you all strong enough to stay away from the casinos? If not, you could go a week without a paycheck on occasion. I think (If it is like Hesperia CA) your dogs won't have any fleas.

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