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Thursday, April 15, 2010

About How old do you have to be to get a job in North Carolina

How old do you have to be to get a job in North Carolina?
I am 15 years old. I am home schooled and can do my lessons whenever I have time. I will be 16 in a few months. If I can get a job now do you have any ideas where. I live in oxford but i could work in henderson.
Law & Legal - 1 Answers
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generally 14 regardless of your school attendance the law restricts when and how much you can work. legally in the US under FLSA a minor 14 or older may work in an: Office, Grocery store, Retail store, Restaurant, Movie Theater, Baseball Park, Amusement park, or Gasoline service station BUT...due to the high the unemployment rate at this time it is very difficult for minors to get a job.........the jobs that use to be held by teens and retirees are now being taken by adults trying to support their families......... Fast-food and grocery stores are willing and able to train new employees but........................ Minors tend to have many issues that affect their ability to work such as tardiness, absenteeism, and numerous schedule requests, poor work-ethic etcetera. I am NOT implying you will have those issues but the fact that many your age do makes it more difficult for you to get an opportunity to prove your worth. Most businesses are individually owned and operated so it is the owner’s policy and past experience with minors that will determine if they will hire you. Apply everywhere you can, the worse that can happen is they don't hire you. Businesses such as Publix, Kroger's, Food Lion, Sonic, Chic-Fill-A, McDonald's, Winn-Dixie, Krystal's, Dairy Queen, and Burger King along with smaller local businesses that are in the same genre tend to hire those your age. Remember just because they legally can hire you does NOT mean they have to hire you or they will hire you. A lot depends on the employment outlook in your area, and the past luck (good or bad) the employer has had employing minors. click on the following link for information about child labor laws such as the number of hours allowed, when you can work, what jobs you can do, and which states require work permits........ http://www.youthrules.dol.gov US Department of Labor YouthRules at any age you can work at a business owned or operated by your parents and in most states work as an actress in radio, TV, theater or movies at as young as 12 in most states you can work on a PRIVATE farm hand-picking or selling fruits and/or vegetables deliver newspapers or periodicals umpire/referee in a MUNICIPAL league caddy at a PUBLIC course you can also do "casual labor" (work for an individual in their home) such as yard-work, pet-sitting, baby-sitting, tutoring, running errands, house-cleaning, etcetera...

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

About Anyone know a good secret shopper company to work for in the Las Vegas/Henderson area

Anyone know a good secret shopper company to work for in the Las Vegas/Henderson area?
Please send information...
Las Vegas - 1 Answers
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I am suspect on these palces. They ask for your cc and license when you open the forms. So I skip them. They can compromise your identity. A lady in Denver that I used to go out with, her daughter worked for the Post Office and was the SS for the post office. You may want to go to the post office and see if they are hiring. Since she lived in Denver and got mail they would ask her questions every so often and she got cash. Best wishes and good luck on your new job.

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