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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

About What does CHERUB stand for

What does CHERUB stand for?
I've read all the CHERUB series and I am on The Escape of the HENDERSONS BOYS series. Does CHERUB stand for Charles Henderson Espionage Research Unit Britain cause in the Escape they say Charlse Henderson works in the Espionage Research Unit , and in now in Britain. Thanks!
Books & Authors - 1 Answers
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Nobody knows. "The letters of CHERUB are very likely an acronym, but no one knows for sure what it stands for. However, it was promised in the story, in the first book, that the explanation would be revealed in the final book! Unfortunately, in the CHERUB books series, the founder of CHERUB, Charles Henderson, was murdered by his wife before he could reveal the explanation. Apparently the first two letters stand for his initials. The author, Robert Muchamore, has not, as yet, provided any answers. In interview he has said the name will be revealed in the last CHERUB book. But later he said that he may never reveal the true meaning of CHERUB, or that it may be revealed in one of the books from the new "Henderson's Boys" series." http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_did_Robert_Muchamore_come_up_with_the_name_CHERUB_in_his_books
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