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Sunday, February 13, 2011

About Can driving the opponent backward be an effective counter to the Muay Thai clinch? Greco Roman vs. Muay Thai

Can driving the opponent backward be an effective counter to the Muay Thai clinch? Greco Roman vs. Muay Thai?
Can a person defend the Muay Thai clinch by driving the other person backward? Just the basic mechanics of being driven backward (and I mean with force) isn't that enough to nullify the Muay Thai clinch? If you take someone like Couture or Henderson isn't there Greco Roman to strong to be caught in a Muay Thai clinch? Isn't this one of the things that makes Henderson vs. Anderson such a compelling fight? I can't see Anderson's clinch working against Henderson. Other aspects might work but not the clinch.
Martial Arts - 7 Answers
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1 :
it can if the guy is inexperienced, however while in the thai clinch if you are being pushed back you would just have to step to the side and knee and the guy pushing you back would basically be running into a knee.
2 :
Driving an opponent backward isn't enough. A big thing in the thai clinch is semi-circular stepping while controlling the opponent's head. It whips their body around and robs them of balance for a couple of seconds at a time. It's displayed in this video from 0:58 - 1:03. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZJE9v_qOcgw If you drive forward, the person dominating the thai clinch will probably pull that move on you. Keep in mind the fact that, after each time he jerks your body around, he's primed for a HUGE knee as you catch up. A more effective method for escaping the Thai Clinch, in my opinion, is to reach across his face with one hand and post it on your opponent's jaw (your left hand on his left cheek). Then place your right against the back of your left hand and push his head away at an angle. This will rob your opponent of his balance, and take the power of his knees. From there, it's pretty easy to duck out of the clinch. What I usually do is let the person throw a knee or two and intercept their thigh with the point of my elbow. The harder they knee, the more reluctant they become to throw another.
3 :
Being driven backwards doesn't nullify the clinch, it gives strikes from the clinch momentum. The way you beat a Thai clinch is by pummelling up and getting inside it.The man whose arms are on the inside wins. Pummelling like this is a huge thing for Greco (which doesn't do shots) so a good Greco guy is great at pummelling. However, Anderson Silva's clinch isn't what makes him dangerous, it his ability to deliver very powerful strikes from the clinch and short ranges. The Greco ability will help Henderson by tying Silva up, but he is still very dangerous in close range. I would say the most compelling part of this fight isn't the clinch vs. Greco, but the fact that Henderson has a damn Iron chin and Silva KOs most of the people he fights. Additionally Dan has a hellacious right hand, however Silva has yet to be knocked out as well. This could very well be a war. With Henderson's wrestling nullifying Spider's BJJ positioning. However, Silva is one of the few guys that is legitimately just as dangerous striking from his back, so even if Hendo gets the take down and ends up in Silva's guard, it isn't just submissions he has to worry about, but Silva's knees and upkicks. It is a very interesting fight. but I don't think the Silva's Clinch vs. Hendo's Greco is the most compelling part, just a portion of the many things that make this a great match up.
4 :
when i did thai boxing for a while, we were basically given the instruction in one lessons to do our best to escape the clinch, while our opponent did the best to keep us in it. The thing i found best (for me) was abusing my reach, for my height i had absurd reach (not sure anymore) so while in the clinch, i managed to get my arms around their body and pulled myself in closer, wrapping my legs in close to theirs to nulify knee's, and tucking my head next to theirs to nulify the elbows. Still wide open for body shots mind you, but from their i could have slammed them down etc. I suppose thats similar to your drive forwards thing.
5 :
If u push a guy who has u in a Thai clinch, u need to watch out cuz he could simply reverse it, and u can fine urself against the cage, in a even worse position.
6 :
there are so many positions in the clinch, but if you are talking about "inside control" the worst position you can be in... it is important to keep your hips close to your oponents to stop the knees, and he will be tryin to create distance by backing up, so yeah you better chase him until you can find a way out
7 :
to escape any clinch or takedown or any holding u need to no 2 things how to make a trap and pain points that is how u do it 1st u need to defend ur self just find 2 weak spots or 1 it doesnt matter go for it wen he try to cover it he will sure open another one or the 2nd will b weaker dont go all the way to the 1st weak point trasfer ur force to the 2nd one then u no alll the weak points like the the point i luv to use on my frinds wen they try to take me down is the end of ur throat and the beginig of the chest push it in then he is alll urs

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