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Thursday, January 13, 2011

About In Las Vegas, Nevada where is the best place for a 14 year old to work at

In Las Vegas, Nevada where is the best place for a 14 year old to work at?
I've been looking around for some places to work at but im not sure if they will hire me because of my age. I've been looking at the Henderson Multi-genl center, Smiths, Brooklyn Bagal, Dairy Queen, and Gamecrazy. Any help???
Las Vegas - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I don't think they will hire you yet. But you can ask them or you can do odd jobs if you want to earn money.
2 :
maby you could check with the casino hotels, i am sure you could get hired as a maid.
3 :
4 :
Starbucks. And try getting a job as a life huard. They make good money!
5 :
unfortuneately in vegas you are going to need to get a work permit since you are underage and being that you are 14 most places wont hire you most companies have a policy of not hiring until minimum age of 16 but you may be able to get work in a roofing company or a landscaping company,
6 :
Your Neighborhood. Start charging people $10 - $15 a week to clean their landscape rocks or mow their lawns. Once you build up some savings purchase some equipment to expand your services. You can do the whole thing on a cash basis. This will get you experience & build up a client base all tax free. Sure it will be hard work and hot, but after a few years, you will have made a ton of money (for a teenager). If you don't like it anymore after a few years, you can simply turn over the clients to a partner that you have taken on from a grade or two lower than you, and move on to better things. You'll have a list of dependable references, and the ability to say you started your own comapny at 14 years old and have been successfull ever since. Or, if business is good, get a legitimate license, get some formal business and botany education, and expand the business. You'll have the lowest overhead of anybody out there, and the experience to land you more lucrative contracts.
7 :
Albertson's, but you have to get a working permit first.
8 :
sign spinner

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