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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

About Where do i start to become an Radiological Technician

Where do i start to become an Radiological Technician?
I work 6 days a week. Live in Henderson, NV. I have been researching info to start college. Just want to make sure i go to an accredited school, what courses i should take. Just totally at a loss as to where to start! Do i start with an associates in health care and go from there? My job is not very secure and I really need to work on something else. I need to know the fastest way to achieve this. HELP!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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You can get an associates or bachelors degree. Your major will be specifically radiology. Here are some examples. http://www.cscc.edu/Radiography/index.htm ^--associates http://amp.osu.edu/RD/ ^--bachelors