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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

About : Work at home

Work at home?
anyone know of a company in henderson, las vegas nevada that you can work at home or a place where you go pick up data entry work and take it home to do? I really need to find a company like this?
Las Vegas - 7 Answers
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1 :
you can start your own Monavie business - it has been great for me - some extra income every week - and the product helped my son stop getting migraines. Check for more info on my website www.mymonavie.com/laurahandt
2 :
I am a consultant with The Body Shop at Home and love it. You can do as little or as much as you want. I joined to be a stay at home mom and to make some money at the same time. If your interested email me at flaminfortune@yahoo.com
3 :
4 :
Telecommuting jobs can be done from home. Hope these job websites can help you. http://www.usejob.com http://hotjobs.yahoo.com http://www.craigslist.org
5 :
don't know about that but you can try this out http://beta.bitwine.com/signup/SP it's free to join
6 :
Sorry to break the bad news - companies like that really don't exist. Check out http://www.realworkathomeinfo.com and read the section on data entry work.
7 :
Hi, you can consider paid survey as a home businesse. Paid surveys are not new, despite all the hoopla. Marketing research firms have been paying consumers to participate in surveys, focus groups and such for some time. But the Web has granted them a more-efficient way to collect data. So, many now conduct legit, online paid surveys and other types of paid, online marketing research. Get more information about paid survey: http://network.sitesled.com/paid-survey.html Good Luck && Best Wishes!
8 :
Hello. I decided to stay home this year and be with my small children. I looked at many different programs, but ended up with one that was actually located 50 miles from where I live, so I was familiar with the company and its reputation, which has been recognized for its high standards and its contributions to the business world. It is not a program for everyone & how quickly you succeed at it is determined by you. I don't sell or track products. I market the company itself & its products & reputation sell themselves. If you would like more information with no obligation, please go to: http://setmefree.team2succeed.com Good luck

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

About How to predict pH of buffer solution - Henderson-hasselbalch equation

How to predict pH of buffer solution - Henderson-hasselbalch equation?
An acetate buffer was prepared by adding 25mL of 1M acetic acid to 3.418g of sodium acetate trihydrate. We are asked to predict the pH of this buffer solution using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. I'm not sure how to work out the pKa that we have to find to work out the pH using the equation pH=pKa + log([conj. base]/[acid]) I'd appreciate any help, thanks in advance1
Chemistry - 2 Answers
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1 :
pKa = -log Ka the Ka of acetic acid should be on the appendix of your textbook or you can look for it online. pKa of acetate is 4.76 at 25 C.
2 :
moles CH3COONa *3 H2O = 3.418 g/ 136.09 g/mol=0.0251 concentration acetic acid = 0.0251 mol/ 0.025 L= 1.00 M pKa of acetic acid = 4.74 pH = pKa + log [CH3COO-]/ [CH3COOH] = 4.76 + log 1.00 / 1 = 4.74

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

About I am 15 and i need to find a job in Henderson, Nv

I am 15 and i need to find a job in Henderson, Nv?
I am 15 and i really need a job, i can't seem to find one that will hire a 15 year old, most of them you have to be 16. I tried babysitting and it didn't work out. I REALLY need help, can anyone help me? pleasee!
Las Vegas - 7 Answers
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1 :
If you have zaxbys around that area they will hire at 15.
2 :
just go to google and search jobs for nv
3 :
ur 15 u need to have some fun hello 15
4 :
the only place i know that hires is del taco at 15
5 :
You're just going to have to wait until you're 16.
6 :
Contract to water people's gravel front yards.
7 :
usually restaurants will hire 15 year old kids for busing tables, McDonald's or BK or any fast food

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

About Should Paul Henderson be in the Hall of Fame

Should Paul Henderson be in the Hall of Fame?
Henderson scored three straight game-winning goals in Moscow during the 72’ summit series and led the tournament with seven goals in eight games. So why does the Hall treat this Canadian hero like he was covered in leeches? It has nothing to do with his performance on the ice. According to the Hall these are the attributes players need to qualify: Playing ability, sportsmanship, character and their contribution to teams and the game of hockey. 1) Playing ability: Henderson played 1,067 games in the NHL and WHA, scored 376 goals and collected 760 points. Thirty-six inductees can’t match those numbers. He also played in two Stanley Cup finals and two all-star games. He never won a Cup, but there are 40 inductees in the Hall who also failed in that department, including Cam Neely. 2) Sportsmanship: In 19 years of major professional hockey, he received one fighting major. 3) Character: Any player who could work for over a decade under the likes of Sid Abel and Punch Imlach should never have his character questioned. 4) Contribution: In 1962, he led Hamilton to its one and only Memorial Cup championship and his performance in 1972 resulted in the Hall naming Team Canada the greatest of the 20th century. What should anger you most as a hockey fan is who has been inducted. In a political move to pave the way for Russian players to join the NHL, goalie Vladislav Tretiak was honoured in 1989. Tretiak gave up six goals in that final game in ‘72, including the winner. The same politics that got Tretiak in have kept Henderson out. In 1974, Henderson jumped from the Toronto Maple Leafs to the Toronto Toros of the WHA. At the time the general manager of the Leafs was Jim Gregory, now chairman of the Hockey Hall of Fame selection committee. It would appear Gregory will never forgive or forget. What are you thoughts? Should Henderson be inducted?
Hockey - 9 Answers
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1 :
It's seems a bit iffy there. The stats are okay (nothing flashy) but the Stanley Cup thing would definitely hurt. However, with those goals, he should at least be seriously considered. As for Vladislav Tretiak, I think he does deserve the spot. He's a decorated Olympian, with 3 gold and a silver (1980). He was league MVP in Russia five times (including three straight years in the 70's) and helped his team win 13 titles in 14 years.
2 :
i'd vote for him
3 :
You won't get any arguement from me. Henderson was involved in one of hockey's most famous series and was the key character is what may arguably be the single most memorable goal in hockey history. He's a great ambassador for the game and he should be included in the HHOF. But then haven't I been saying this for months now? What if he'd been sick? Some one else would have scored those goals? Do you have the ability to look across dimensions and see alterantive pasts? You don't know that. You're just guessing. And to decide to make it an Nationalistic thing is a little low brow as well.
4 :
Hall of Famers are chosen by sports writers; and who are bigger political hacks than those? That, Henderson jumped to the WHA and stayed in Toronto, no less, the territory of Howard Ballard probably did not help his chances. The WHA was a minor league compared to the NHL with most players jumping to get out of their NHL contracts for more money or a better situation. This is an action which is bound to step on a few political toes when you consider what a threat AND A PAIN IN THE NECK THE WHA WAS TO THE POWERS THAT BE IN THE NHL. AT THAT TIME IN THE EARLY SEVENTIES.The NHLHAD JUST STARTED TO EXPAND THEIR LEAGUE AND WERE GARNERING NEW SUCCESSFUL NHL MARKETS ALONG WITH A FEW WHO WERE BARELY GETTING BY, IF AT ALL. The WHA trashed the NHL's momentum. The league was run largely by an American Weapons Company AVCO. They also owned Gordie Howe's team The Houston Aeros. Henderson was great, but it is fair to say that WHA stats are invalid compared to those of players in the NHL. The Avco Cup being more cheaply bought than the Calder most years. The WHA drew most of its legitimacy from the contreversy it created at its inception. Over the next decade the league proved to be a joke, and not a very good one.
5 :
Henderson was a very good player, but not a great player. What he did is remarkable, but ask yourself this: If he'd been sick in September 1972, and somebody else had scored those Summit Series goals, somebody whose HOF credentials were unquestionable -- or, at the other end of the spectrum (if not the Wachovia Center), somebody who was mainly a defenseman, and not a scorer, and got lucky, and wouldn't normally be considered for the Hall... If Paul Henderson had not played in the Summit Series, but his career and his character were otherwise the same, would you vote him in? I'd have to say no, he falls a bit short. Disclaimer: As an American, I'm not begging for any member of the 1980 U.S. Olympic team to be elected, although a few of them, like Neal Broten and Mike Ramsey, were very good for a long time.
6 :
Yes, without a doubt Paul Henderson belongs in the Hockey Hall of Fame. So his stats are not the same as Wayne Gretzky's..................his skill was thought of highly enough that he was able to represent Canada at that series. If his skill was that good, and he proved it was by scoring the game winning goal in games 6,7, and 8...........then he is fully deserved og a spot in the Hall of Fame. Henderson didn't 'jump' to the WHA. His contract expired, and the WHA offered more money than the NHL. Similar situation to Bobby Hull, Bernie Parent, Derek Sanderson, Frank Mahovlich, etc. You make it sound like he abandoned the Leafs. To Tim O The Avco Cup was sponsored by a Finacial Services company which specialized in business start-up loans to clients who didn't qualify at one of the big banks. It wasn't until 1984 that Avco was bought by Textron (maker of Cesna's, golf carts and smart bombs)
7 :
I saw the series on TV in 1972.If he isn't inducted into the HOF it is a travesty.That moment brought a country and it's national sport together.He is in the history books, never mind the Hockey Hall of Fame. Of course he should be inducted.
8 :
Absolutely not. If it were not for the big goal, nobody would even know who he is. Hall of Fame is for great players, not good players and that is all he was. As far as Tretiak, you dismiss him on one bad game? Bullocks, he was a GREAT goalie.
9 :
I understand Henderson's contribution in the most significant hockey series in history, but the Hall of Fame is not about a couple of good weeks. It's about putting together a lifetime of numbers. Henderson was a good player but not a great one throughout his NHL career. It's not the Hall of Pretty Good, as some would say. The interenational picks are always difficult, because the standards are different. Tretiak was a great goalie for a long, long time. I wouldn't disqualify him because Henderson was left alone in the slot in the final moments of Game Eight. Igor Larionov is an odder case because of his split career, but there's no doubt he was one of the sport's all-time greats and will make it someday. And, for what it's worth, I got to know Jim Gregory a bit a while back. I'd say he has more integrity than more than 95 percent of the people I encountered in the game. He is one of the last persons I know who would put personal considerations into the discussion. Even if he did, he would be quickly outvoted by the rest of the committee.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

About Does anyone know who sells the product "Bikini Saver" in Las Vegas or Henderson Nevada& if it works? Help

Does anyone know who sells the product "Bikini Saver" in Las Vegas or Henderson Nevada& if it works? Help!!

Skin & Body - 1 Answers
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1 :
No,but i know where you can order it on line.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

About Question for 24 viewers

Question for 24 viewers?
i just finished watching the 5th season of 24 even though ive already seen the 7th and 8th seasons prior to that, my only season left is 6. however in the 7th tony almeida returns, and it appeared he "died" in the fifth season when he was stabbed in the chest with a needle containing an overdose of medicine that backfired from chris henderson. i was wondering if anyone knows how this worked because i searched it on google and couldnt find any answers. was he working with henderson and was his death staged? how did this happen? i remember in the 7th season when he is discovered alive by jack he said that his heart beat was so subtle it was barely there, but he was brought back, or something like that, so was this planned? if anyone could explain that would be great, thanks
Drama - 1 Answers
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1 :
I think he just managed to survive, there was no conspiracy.

      Wednesday, June 15, 2011

      About Anyone in Las Vegas or Henderson interested in the Sudbury type of school

      Anyone in Las Vegas or Henderson interested in the Sudbury type of school?
      I want to see if there is any one working on a peace based school for the Las Vegas / Henderson area. Any one interested in starting this project?
      Las Vegas - 1 Answers
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      1 :

        Sunday, May 15, 2011

        About Would a residential pressure washing service be a profitable business in henderson kentucky for a family man

        Would a residential pressure washing service be a profitable business in henderson kentucky for a family man.?
        i would like to start a small business providing pressure cleaning sevice on residential homes,including mobile homes,decks,roofs,outbuildings,driveways,vinyl siding,gutters.feel free to include in your answer any other surfaces that one would like cleaned in this manner.also include a cleaning solution that would work.
        Maintenance & Repairs - 4 Answers
        Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
        1 :
        Most of the time you need to put something on after you take the dirt off. You could be a painter washing and then painting. Or a deck man wash the deck and then seal it. Or driveway,roof,and so on. Mobile washing service tend to be for tractor trailers and car lots. Good Luck.
        2 :
        I wouldnt rely on that to suppliment my entire income! You would be starving in the Winter Time! As a side business its ok, but, I would get a regular "day job" when times are lean... Or, have other interests that would sell also...(like repair work, or handiman work or some other line of businesss to keep the kids fed well). I wish you well.. Jesse
        3 :
        Both a friend of mine and my son started this business separately, they both do well. My son retired but to keep busy started a lawn service, that built into yard cleaning, tree trimming and yard maintenance. And now, it's pressure washing, decks, mobile homes, siding, semi=trailers and tractors and farm tractors. You wouldn't believe the business. A "keep busy" thing turned into a full time with three men business. A 100K inventory of equipment plus. so, I guess you'd be O.K.
        4 :
        I used to work for an outfit that cleaned tractor trailers when I was in high school. They had a pressure rig with a heater contained on a truck that carried it's own water. Soap injection for cleaning, and an acid solution for the really tough smoke stains. We would also rinse after the wash. By the way, until you get enough regular business to support it, don't give up your day job.

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        Wednesday, April 13, 2011

        About Where do i start to become an Radiological Technician

        Where do i start to become an Radiological Technician?
        I work 6 days a week. Live in Henderson, NV. I have been researching info to start college. Just want to make sure i go to an accredited school, what courses i should take. Just totally at a loss as to where to start! Do i start with an associates in health care and go from there? My job is not very secure and I really need to work on something else. I need to know the fastest way to achieve this. HELP!
        Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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        1 :
        You can get an associates or bachelors degree. Your major will be specifically radiology. Here are some examples. http://www.cscc.edu/Radiography/index.htm ^--associates http://amp.osu.edu/RD/ ^--bachelors

          Sunday, March 13, 2011

          About Where do i go to buy a cow near henderson kentucky

          Where do i go to buy a cow near henderson kentucky!!!?
          I have looked every where in Kentucky to buy a calf to train to ride!! But cant find one anywhere! Im looking for a cheap male calf that isn't white! My horses are scared of white things but i cant find a place to buy one! My grandfather told me to walk over to are neighbors and ask how much they want for one of there calf's but i don't think it works that way!!
          Other - Pets - 1 Answers
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          1 :
          Go to Amazon, you can get anything what you want: http://www.amazon.com/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2F&tag=topfivproinf-20&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325

              Sunday, February 13, 2011

              About Can driving the opponent backward be an effective counter to the Muay Thai clinch? Greco Roman vs. Muay Thai

              Can driving the opponent backward be an effective counter to the Muay Thai clinch? Greco Roman vs. Muay Thai?
              Can a person defend the Muay Thai clinch by driving the other person backward? Just the basic mechanics of being driven backward (and I mean with force) isn't that enough to nullify the Muay Thai clinch? If you take someone like Couture or Henderson isn't there Greco Roman to strong to be caught in a Muay Thai clinch? Isn't this one of the things that makes Henderson vs. Anderson such a compelling fight? I can't see Anderson's clinch working against Henderson. Other aspects might work but not the clinch.
              Martial Arts - 7 Answers
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              1 :
              it can if the guy is inexperienced, however while in the thai clinch if you are being pushed back you would just have to step to the side and knee and the guy pushing you back would basically be running into a knee.
              2 :
              Driving an opponent backward isn't enough. A big thing in the thai clinch is semi-circular stepping while controlling the opponent's head. It whips their body around and robs them of balance for a couple of seconds at a time. It's displayed in this video from 0:58 - 1:03. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZJE9v_qOcgw If you drive forward, the person dominating the thai clinch will probably pull that move on you. Keep in mind the fact that, after each time he jerks your body around, he's primed for a HUGE knee as you catch up. A more effective method for escaping the Thai Clinch, in my opinion, is to reach across his face with one hand and post it on your opponent's jaw (your left hand on his left cheek). Then place your right against the back of your left hand and push his head away at an angle. This will rob your opponent of his balance, and take the power of his knees. From there, it's pretty easy to duck out of the clinch. What I usually do is let the person throw a knee or two and intercept their thigh with the point of my elbow. The harder they knee, the more reluctant they become to throw another.
              3 :
              Being driven backwards doesn't nullify the clinch, it gives strikes from the clinch momentum. The way you beat a Thai clinch is by pummelling up and getting inside it.The man whose arms are on the inside wins. Pummelling like this is a huge thing for Greco (which doesn't do shots) so a good Greco guy is great at pummelling. However, Anderson Silva's clinch isn't what makes him dangerous, it his ability to deliver very powerful strikes from the clinch and short ranges. The Greco ability will help Henderson by tying Silva up, but he is still very dangerous in close range. I would say the most compelling part of this fight isn't the clinch vs. Greco, but the fact that Henderson has a damn Iron chin and Silva KOs most of the people he fights. Additionally Dan has a hellacious right hand, however Silva has yet to be knocked out as well. This could very well be a war. With Henderson's wrestling nullifying Spider's BJJ positioning. However, Silva is one of the few guys that is legitimately just as dangerous striking from his back, so even if Hendo gets the take down and ends up in Silva's guard, it isn't just submissions he has to worry about, but Silva's knees and upkicks. It is a very interesting fight. but I don't think the Silva's Clinch vs. Hendo's Greco is the most compelling part, just a portion of the many things that make this a great match up.
              4 :
              when i did thai boxing for a while, we were basically given the instruction in one lessons to do our best to escape the clinch, while our opponent did the best to keep us in it. The thing i found best (for me) was abusing my reach, for my height i had absurd reach (not sure anymore) so while in the clinch, i managed to get my arms around their body and pulled myself in closer, wrapping my legs in close to theirs to nulify knee's, and tucking my head next to theirs to nulify the elbows. Still wide open for body shots mind you, but from their i could have slammed them down etc. I suppose thats similar to your drive forwards thing.
              5 :
              If u push a guy who has u in a Thai clinch, u need to watch out cuz he could simply reverse it, and u can fine urself against the cage, in a even worse position.
              6 :
              there are so many positions in the clinch, but if you are talking about "inside control" the worst position you can be in... it is important to keep your hips close to your oponents to stop the knees, and he will be tryin to create distance by backing up, so yeah you better chase him until you can find a way out
              7 :
              to escape any clinch or takedown or any holding u need to no 2 things how to make a trap and pain points that is how u do it 1st u need to defend ur self just find 2 weak spots or 1 it doesnt matter go for it wen he try to cover it he will sure open another one or the 2nd will b weaker dont go all the way to the 1st weak point trasfer ur force to the 2nd one then u no alll the weak points like the the point i luv to use on my frinds wen they try to take me down is the end of ur throat and the beginig of the chest push it in then he is alll urs

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              Thursday, January 13, 2011

              About In Las Vegas, Nevada where is the best place for a 14 year old to work at

              In Las Vegas, Nevada where is the best place for a 14 year old to work at?
              I've been looking around for some places to work at but im not sure if they will hire me because of my age. I've been looking at the Henderson Multi-genl center, Smiths, Brooklyn Bagal, Dairy Queen, and Gamecrazy. Any help???
              Las Vegas - 8 Answers
              Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
              1 :
              I don't think they will hire you yet. But you can ask them or you can do odd jobs if you want to earn money.
              2 :
              maby you could check with the casino hotels, i am sure you could get hired as a maid.
              3 :
              4 :
              Starbucks. And try getting a job as a life huard. They make good money!
              5 :
              unfortuneately in vegas you are going to need to get a work permit since you are underage and being that you are 14 most places wont hire you most companies have a policy of not hiring until minimum age of 16 but you may be able to get work in a roofing company or a landscaping company,
              6 :
              Your Neighborhood. Start charging people $10 - $15 a week to clean their landscape rocks or mow their lawns. Once you build up some savings purchase some equipment to expand your services. You can do the whole thing on a cash basis. This will get you experience & build up a client base all tax free. Sure it will be hard work and hot, but after a few years, you will have made a ton of money (for a teenager). If you don't like it anymore after a few years, you can simply turn over the clients to a partner that you have taken on from a grade or two lower than you, and move on to better things. You'll have a list of dependable references, and the ability to say you started your own comapny at 14 years old and have been successfull ever since. Or, if business is good, get a legitimate license, get some formal business and botany education, and expand the business. You'll have the lowest overhead of anybody out there, and the experience to land you more lucrative contracts.
              7 :
              Albertson's, but you have to get a working permit first.
              8 :
              sign spinner

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